WARNING: This blog features photos that will result in serious FOMO!
The fear of missing out, better known as #FOMO, is defined as the side effect for viewing posts of an exciting or interesting event on social media that you were unable to take part in. We all dream of taking an unbelievable vacation, but unfortunately this isn’t always possible. So instead, we head to social media to live vicariously through travel bloggers’ photos on our favorite social media platforms. There are so many amazing travel accounts on Instagram, which made it incredibly difficult to only pick five, but here are our top five travel accounts you need to follow.
Top 5 Travel Instagram Accounts
1. Murad Ossman (@muradosmann)
Photographer Murad Osmann, accompanied by his wife, Nataly, document their travels from Murad’s point of view while Nataly leads him, hand in hand, all over the world. Their incredibly beautiful and creative photo series, #FollowMeTo, features photos of Nataly leading Murad and their 4 million followers throughout their travels to some of the worlds most exotic and iconic landscapes, such as Amer Fort Jaipur, pictured below.

2. Brooke Saward (@worldwanderlust)
Brooke Saward, a 24-year-old college graduate, with over 550k Instagram followers, is on the adventure of a lifetime: traveling the world, one country at a time. Immediately after graduation, Brooke purchased a one-way ticket to London and hasn’t stopped traveling since. On her account, you will find everything from breathtaking beach scenes to century old landmarks and much, much more. Before you know it, Brooke will have you checking your bank account and trying to figure out if you can afford to travel the world.

3. Johan Lolos (@lebackpacker)
Johan Lolos is an extraordinary travel and adventure photographer. Originally from Belgium, he likes to call himself a world explorer with a passion for the outdoors and wilderness. After spending a year exploring Australia and showcasing his photos (mainly on Instagram), things got pretty serious when National Geographic published his photos. This is when he decided to become a full-time outdoor photographer; and we are so glad he did! When scrolling through Johan’s Instagram account, you’ll probably be thinking to yourself, “Is this real life?!” It totally is. His work is so beautiful and incredibly unique, there is no question why National Geographic published his photos.

4. Jessica Stein (@tuulavintage)
Australia native with over 2 million followers, Jessica Stein has traveled to over 20 countries since she began her adventure in 2010. She considers the photos she takes throughout her travels “a personal diary of wanderlust,” which is a gift to each and every one of her followers. Jessica was sure to make her way over to the United States to show off some of the most beautiful landscapes that we didn’t even know existed. Just check her out here in Utah!

No matter where Jessica is traveling, we are without a doubt feeling the FOMO. But hey, you don’t always have to travel outside of the country for an incredible traveling experience. The Utah sights truly speak for themselves!
5. Kerjan Bianca (@backpackbabe)
Kerjan Bianca, a solo female traveler, first found her love for travel after she took part in a foreign exchange program to Japan when she was in middle school. Since then, she has traveled to over 35 countries! Even though she is a solo traveler, Kerjan has her 60k+ Instagram followers to share her magical adventures around the world with. Kerjan says her goal is to inspire travel and to show her followers that anything is possible. (BRB, booking a trip to Thailand!)

So, are you feeling the FOMO? Don’t say we didn’t warn you! Sadly, the only known cure for FOMO is to experience it for yourself IRL. Happy travels!