Best Practices for SEO Success

From driving traffic by ranking higher on search engine results to maximizing content marketing campaigns and improving web advertisements, SEO can help a business build its brand, expand its reach and ultimately increase revenue. Think of it as PR for search engines. You improve the odds that your website will be found and increase your product or service’s visibility. SEO doesn’t happen on its own though, it takes great SEO tools and a smart SEO team to get the job done that can and will help you quickly start to see your website traffic increase.Image via Search Engine LandIf you are unfamiliar with the term SEO, it stands for Search Engine optimization. In simple terms it means quality control for your websites. Great Content + Quality Links = Search Engine Success!

The Source of Truth & Knowledge

Image via ArstechnicaOne of the best ways to be successful with SEO is focusing on creating trust. When we need to find the answers to something or have a problem, where do we go to find the answer? Well, we all go to the one source of all truth and knowledge; Google.  Every single one of us likes to do business, and surround ourselves, with people we can trust. If we want to look up the best digital and social marketing agency in New Jersey, we simply type that into Google, click the first link that comes up, and quickly make a decision about the trustworthiness of the company or website we are on. You will see that an increase in leads and customers will soon follow when your searchers trust you and your company.

Creating Great, Quality Content

Image via WebFuelWhen we think of content, we think of words, but great content can be in the form of videos, images, or infographics. Create exciting and engaging content that makes people that have already read it remember it months later. Create a website, service, or product that is accessible to search engines but remember all of the content you use needs to engage with your targeted audience.One of the hardest parts of understanding SEO is spreading the message so your rankings increase. It is not normal behavior for users to click through pages and pages of search results, so where your website ranks in a search is essential for bringing more traffic towards your website. Although links are important, keep it mind not to confuse quality with quantity. In order to build your site’s authority, you’ll need to have a network of inbound links and brand mentions from outside your own website. However, you will need to be careful not to build irrelevant links or spammy links. Share those links with other local businesses in exchange for links to their sites. Write blog posts and share them on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn. Adding a few links from quality related resources to your page would have a much better impact on how your page ranks than adding a few low-value links.

Search, Search, Search

Via HubspotSearch engines are smart but they still need help. In order to achieve SEO success, learning how people search is a crucial step. Start off by observing and finding out what information your searchers are looking for. Learn from talking to them and how they behave. Take what you have learned about your searchers to satisfy them and watch your rankings increase. Not only will you increase your rankings, but you’ll also create long-lasting relationships with customers who trust your website and your company.

SEO Success

Image via Google Geek BlogTake these few steps and continue to build your website. Focus on building trust and creating great content that people will remember. Learn what others are searching and find what intrigues them. Always answer the questions your clients and customers may have about your product or service and try to stay away from industry terms that your customers and clients might not be familiar with. It’s important to try to speak their language! Remember that your rankings and results will not appear overnight. It’s all about what people find interesting and when you find that, you’ll achieve long-term SEO success!