Generation Y is undeniably the most tech-driven yet misunderstood generation. While some may argue we have a get rich quick/ stay at home mentality when it comes to work, Millennials are actually making their own way in society and beating the odds. Not only are we determined to be sufficient workers, but we are also constantly looking for channels of inspiration to push us to the next level. There is no doubt that we are always on our phones whether it’s paying a credit card bill, snapping a picture, or just scrolling through our Instagram newsfeed. So, next time you find yourself looking for some motivation, check out these young and successful entrepreneurs!
- Gerard Adams
Image via @GerardAdams
If there was anyone to represent Millennials online, it’s Gerard Adams. Priding himself on his unconventional way of rising to the top, he advises his followers to stay dedicated to their dreams and create their own future. The former co-founder of Elite Daily now plans to help young entrepreneurs build success. He works towards this goal with his upcoming project FOWNDERS, which aims to gives future generations firsthand experience and actual mentoring by Gerard himself. If you follow his social media accounts, you’ll see a raw depiction of Gerard’s hunger to succeed, while keeping Millennials wanting to build their own empire with the hashtag #LetsMakeHistory.
- Peter Yobo
Image Via The Powered Life
Peter Yobo, author of The Plan of Action For The Passionate and Motivated, gives Millennials advice and guidance on how to live a powerful life on their own terms. Raised in Ghana, once he moved to the U.S. he knew he wanted to inspire young people on how to reach the top. Through his online coaching program, Peter keeps his followers engaged with inspirational quotes and daily motivational tips that would make anyone want to rule the world! His work also reflects many engaging topics such as Millennials in the workplace and how to be a strong leader.
- Emily Weiss
Image via NY Times
Twenty something girls will definitely recognize this entrepreneur…and if you watched The Hills, you would not be surprised that she is in the position she is now. Emily Weiss, the Teen Vogue golden child on the popular hit series, has come a long way since she was briefly featured with Lauren Conrad and Whitney Port on the hit show. Weiss, now 30, is a fashion and beauty guru for “Into the Gloss,” a blog that prides itself on being the bible for cosmetics, grooming, and all things fashion. She is passionate about women’s rights and social issues. This bold faced beauty is ideal to follow, especially on Instagram, where you ladies can drool over her effortless selfies and accessibility to the biggest names in fashion. Carrie Bradshaw, much?
- Lewis Howes

Image via Lewis Howes
Lewis Howes is a Millennial thought leader who shares his story from an injured athlete to inspiring new beginnings. Recognized in 2013 by President Obama as one of the top 100 entrepreneurs in the country over 30, Lewis preaches that success is not just a mission but also a lifestyle. The content provided by Lewis is ideal for college students, who are typically unsure about their next step in life. His book, The School of Greatness, provides lessons that most universities do not teach you…such as how to be an effective leader, avoid mistakes, and how to turn mistakes into something positive.
- Melissa Molomo
Image via Say What’s Real
They don’t call her, Miss Say What’s Real for nothing! That’s actually the name of her book. Although she is not as well known as some of the others on the list, there’s no doubt in my mind that this woman is the next Oprah. Melissa has been absolutely killing it on social media with her quotes about life, love, and everything in between. Her quotes are the perfect pick me up for Millennials who are feeling doubtful or looking for some encouragement when the going gets rough. Her self-promoted book spread like wild fire over social media, creating buzz with thought leaders and even celebrities! She delivers undeniably the realest, most clarifying content that every girl dreams of having pop up on their newsfeed!
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